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Learn more about the sky blue semi-precious stone, aquamarine. We have collected old legends, properties and other exciting information about the beautiful pearl stone here.

Three quick things about aquamarine

  1. Birthstone for March
  2. Said to reduce stress
  3. Creates harmony in one's relationship

How is aquamarine used today?

Thanks to the aquamarine stone's incredible color shades of blue, it is today a fantastically popular semi-precious stone in jewelry. It is not unusual to find aquamarine rings, aquamarine bracelets or a whole third piece of jewelery such as bracelets made with aquamarine.

It is also no surprise that here at the shop we buy new aquamarine pendants from time to time. First and foremost because they are some of the more popular semi-precious stone pendants, due to aquamarine's unique and elegant expression. In addition, there are just so many different types of aquamarine pendants that you will of course also be able to find here on the webshop.

Does aquamarine have special properties or meanings?

Aquamarine possesses several useful properties and meanings. The semi-precious stone is known as a very good companion for those who want to improve the ability to react quickly. In addition, aquamarine makes the stone invincible through the learning that you are in the process of acquiring. This applies to both the physical learning, the emotional and the psychological learning, which deals with yourself. Aquamarine stone is also known as a stone that gives you discipline, endurance and a more light-hearted approach to your everyday life.

Aquamarine is of a natural justice and at the same time makes you brave. You will find that when you are the bearer of the stone, you are well-considered in your words when you come across a confrontational situation.
When talking about the meaning of aquamarine, it is known as a crystal of love, which encourages the return of someone you love into your life. It is also a really good support for couples who are naturally different. Here in the home you will experience that the semi-precious stone will help two different lifestyles to live together in harmony. It reduces the effects that can arise from sensitive problems, thus helping to prevent possible conflicts.
Aquamarine is often used in eternity rings, where its meanings reinforce commitment and fidelity as long as the waters of the earth flow. This statement comes from the fact that the semi-precious stone has a deep connection to the sea and hence the saying. The saying originates from ancient times.

The stone with connection to sky and sea

In ancient times, aquamarine stone was often associated with the sea, where i.a. sailors often took aquamarine with them when they went on long voyages. It is said that where the semi-precious stone was, the sea would find its calm and the water would become crystal clear. In addition, aquamarine was a kind of talisman for sailors. It was believed that the semi-precious stone brought happiness to the wearer and in addition the aquamarine stone was considered to provide protection to travelers on the water, which is also said to have given sailors a form of fearlessness when they went on long voyages.
However, it was not only sailors who wore aquamarine.

Aquamarine stone also has other properties and the stone is considered to be a precious stone which is the embodiment of eternal youth and joy. This was something that most people aspired to and therefore it was not unusual for ordinary men and women to wear aquamarine jewellery.
However, it must be said that it is not only due to the properties of the semi-precious stone, it was also due to the incredible appearance of the aquamarine. The sky blue, sometimes blue-green semi-precious stone was a favorite in jewellery. Often aquamarine jewelry was in demand. It could be aquamarine rings, necklaces and bracelets that people asked for. Because what is better than getting all these good qualities, like eternal joy and happiness from aquamarine, in the form of a divinely beautiful piece of jewelry.

If we jump forward in time to where we are now, there is no doubt that aquamarine is truly one of the more special semi-precious stones we have today in the world. In fact, it is a rather rare stone and therefore you do not find as large a selection as you do with other types of semi-precious stones that belong to the Beryl family.
Aquamarine is considered to be a protective stone that ensures a good journey for those who travel over, on or near water. In addition, it is also said that aquamarine helps you to open your communication channels, so that you feel comfortable in a deep and honest conversation with friends and family.

Is aquamarine a valuable semi-precious stone?

When an aquamarine is to be assessed, it is done on the basis of the four Cs. The four Cs are the English designation for colour, clarity, cut, carat. Translated into Danish, aquamarine's value is judged based on colour, clarity, cut and carat.

Aquamarine color: The colors of aquamarine stones can vary from a light blue or green, to a deep dark blue color. A darker aquamarine, a deep dark blue color with green undertones, tends to have fewer flaws and is therefore often considered a more valuable stone.

Aquamarine crystals: Like many other gemstones, aquamarine stones can vary in size. Some stones come in small sizes, while aquamarine stones weighing more than 20+ kg have been found before. If an aquamarine is to have the deep intense color of blue and green, then the stone should ideally have a carat of 5 or more.

Aquamarine's clarity: Aquamarine in its faceted form is often what is called eye-cleaner. That is that when you look at the stone, you won't be able to see any mistakes. This is why this semi-precious stone is also popular in jewellery. There are many types of aquamarine jewelry such as rings, bracelets, earrings and necklaces. Should the gem have obvious flaws, they are not wasted. They are instead used to make pearls and other aquamarine carvings.

Aquamarine Cutting: Aquamarine gemstones are cut into various shapes. You will, among other things, could find them in oval and emerald shapes. These blue-green gemstones are known for their solidarity and transparency. That is why it is also a popular gemstone with jewelery designers

So what is the price of the aquamarine stone? The boring answer is that it varies depending on whether the semi-precious stone is real or not. However, it is relatively normal for a piece of jewelery made with natural aquamarine from a jewelery designer to be sold for more than DKK 10,000.

Aquamarine stone care?

We always recommend warm water with a little soap as the best cleaning method for semi-precious stones. The same goes for aquamarine. The method is safe and gentle on your valuable pearls and stones.
You can also use ultrasonic or steam cleaning tools. However, you must pay attention to whether your pearls have liquid inclusions or cracks in them. If this is the case, although it happens incredibly rarely, we strongly recommend cleaning everything from your jewelery with semi-precious stones, to pearls and stones with plain warm water and soap.

If you are unlucky enough, you will be able to experience that the pearls will break.

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